Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Daily Routine Analysis

I feel that the feeling I try portray or try to describe comes through the strongest in the narrative.  Describing how I feel about the truck itself and the way I feel when I am actually driving the vehicle.  A lot was about the the physical/specifications of the engine.  Perhaps maybe I could focus on the mechanical aspect of the truck.  Or maybe the the looks and styling of the truck would be a good approach.  Repairs are always a large part of owning a vehicle as well.  But what I tried to focus on was the driving part of owning a vehicle.  If you are an automobile enthusiast thats what it is all about, the way it makes you feel when you drive it.  That and the cars cool factor. Consequences for irresponsibility are also one of a drivers concerns.  In the narrative I mention what kind of trouble I've been into for driving irresponsibly.  

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